Hoje a gente acordou ás 7 para tomar café da manhã e saímos do hotel para ir a pé até o barco. A gente já sabia que ia começar nossa AVENTURA de morar no barco por 5 dias, que ia ser nossa casa até o resto da viagem. Uns emocionados e outros com um pouco de medo, mas deu tudo certo. Depois a gente foi conhecer a divisão entre as águas, muito famoso aqui na Amazônia, de volta a gente chegou a conhecer uma planta (Vitória Régia) onde a gente aprendeu muitas coisas sobre ela, pode chegar a carregar até 40 kilos, em Thailandia é muito comum comer essa planta. Também tinha macacos muito fofos. Dai a gente voltou no barco e fomos para uma ilha onde tinha indígenas, que eles mostraram suas tradições, cultura e dança e coisas típicas deles, depois nós dançamos e tiramos fotos com eles, foi muito legal. De noite dormimos em rede, o qual é uma experiência única e inigualável.
Escrito por Ana Lúcia e Allyson.
Today we woke up at 7 to eat breakfast and we left the hotel in Manaus to walk to the boat where we will be staying for the next 5 days. We were beginning the ADVENTURE of living on a boat as our home until the end of the end the Amazon trip. Many of us were excited and others of us was very scared, but all the tension went away as soon as we embarked. The first sight we visited was the famous Amazonian division of waters, a little ways from Manaus. Afterwards, we visited a lookout of the plants natives (Victoria Regia) to this specific part of Amazon River. It is also found in some regions of Thailand, but in general is quite rare to encounter. Later in the day, we visited an indigenous community on the side of the river, where we were given a presentation of various dance rituals by some of the native that live there. We l3earned about the traditions and culture of the community and had the opportunity to participate in the dance ritual at the end of the presentation. It was a special and eye-opening experience! After dinner on the boat, we all slept under the stars on the top of the boat in hammocks.
Today we woke up at 7 to eat breakfast and we left the hotel in Manaus to walk to the boat where we will be staying for the next 5 days. We were beginning the ADVENTURE of living on a boat as our home until the end of the end the Amazon trip. Many of us were excited and others of us was very scared, but all the tension went away as soon as we embarked. The first sight we visited was the famous Amazonian division of waters, a little ways from Manaus. Afterwards, we visited a lookout of the plants natives (Victoria Regia) to this specific part of Amazon River. It is also found in some regions of Thailand, but in general is quite rare to encounter. Later in the day, we visited an indigenous community on the side of the river, where we were given a presentation of various dance rituals by some of the native that live there. We l3earned about the traditions and culture of the community and had the opportunity to participate in the dance ritual at the end of the presentation. It was a special and eye-opening experience! After dinner on the boat, we all slept under the stars on the top of the boat in hammocks.
Written by Ana Lúcia and Allyson.
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