Amazon-1 2018 has ended! :(
Thanks everyone for this incredible trip! We sure had an awesome time together! Thanks the students, as well as our Coordinators, Chaperone, guides, drivers and suppliers. A big thank to Rotary, Chairmen, Officers, families and host families!
Here it comes - Amazon-2!
#IamTerraBrasil #Amazônia2018TerraBrasil
Amazônia-1 2018 terminou! :(
Obrigado a todos por essa incrível viagem! Tivemos uma grande aventura juntos! Obrigado aos intercambistas, como também aos Coordenadores, Chaperone, guias, motoristas e fornecedores. Um muito obrigado ao Rotary, Chairmen, Oficiais, famílias e famílias anfitriãs!
Amazônia-2 vem aí!
#IamTerraBrasil #Amazônia2018TerraBrasil
quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2018
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2018
Dia 10/ Day 10 - Último Dia
No nosso último dia finalmente fomos nadar com os botos cor de rosa. Todo mundo estava muito ansioso, mas também com medo. Qualquer cheiro de Química pode fazer eles agressivos. Mas deu tudo certo e foi muito legal. Também viemos um jacare neste praia.
Depois do grande almoço começamos à organizar nossas malas e tentamos à aproveitar as últimas horas no barco. Mais tarde chegamos em Manaus, com muita tristeza de deixar nosso lar de 5 dias e pisar em terra firme de novo.
O resto do dia passamos no maior shopping do Manaus pra partir pro aeroporto a noite.
Depois do grande almoço começamos à organizar nossas malas e tentamos à aproveitar as últimas horas no barco. Mais tarde chegamos em Manaus, com muita tristeza de deixar nosso lar de 5 dias e pisar em terra firme de novo.
O resto do dia passamos no maior shopping do Manaus pra partir pro aeroporto a noite.
Escrito por Benji e Theresa.
Hello everyone - sadly, we are wrapping up the trip and will be going home tonight. We've had a great trip; seen, experienced and learned a lot. After breakfast this morning, we all took a quiz to test our knowledge of the Brazilian historical figures, locations, ecosystems, geography and culture we have learned about during our time here. Later in the morning, we took the canoe to a beach where we swam with pink river dolphins. We had the chance to touch them, feed them fish and take selfies with them. Afterwards, while we were on the beach, a large alligator appeared right next to the group with its mouth wide open, displaying a set of fierce teeth! After a large lunch on the boat, we returned to Manaus to wait in the shopping mall for our flights back home in the middle of the night. Thanks for all the support from Rotary, our families and Terra Brasil! It's been an amazing trip!
Hello everyone - sadly, we are wrapping up the trip and will be going home tonight. We've had a great trip; seen, experienced and learned a lot. After breakfast this morning, we all took a quiz to test our knowledge of the Brazilian historical figures, locations, ecosystems, geography and culture we have learned about during our time here. Later in the morning, we took the canoe to a beach where we swam with pink river dolphins. We had the chance to touch them, feed them fish and take selfies with them. Afterwards, while we were on the beach, a large alligator appeared right next to the group with its mouth wide open, displaying a set of fierce teeth! After a large lunch on the boat, we returned to Manaus to wait in the shopping mall for our flights back home in the middle of the night. Thanks for all the support from Rotary, our families and Terra Brasil! It's been an amazing trip!
Written by Benji and Theresa.
Dia 09/ Day 09 - Lual!
O dia começo as 5 da manhã para olhar o amanhecer.
Depois viajamos para na.fabrica de farinha de mandioca onde nos mostrarem como se prepara, depois comemos bolo de tapioca e um pouco de açaí.
Mais tarde visitamos uma pequena cidade onde nos mostrarem a coleta e preparação da borracha e levamos doces para as crianças de lá.
Terminamos o dia com uma festa na praia e no barco onde trocamos nossos pins com a demais gente.
Depois viajamos para na.fabrica de farinha de mandioca onde nos mostrarem como se prepara, depois comemos bolo de tapioca e um pouco de açaí.
Mais tarde visitamos uma pequena cidade onde nos mostrarem a coleta e preparação da borracha e levamos doces para as crianças de lá.
Terminamos o dia com uma festa na praia e no barco onde trocamos nossos pins com a demais gente.
Escrito por Lucas e Saúl.
At morning we look at the sunrise then we went to the factory of farinha and show us how to make mandioca then we ate tapioca and açaí.
Later we visit one small city and we brought some candies for the little kids.
At night we had a party on the boat and we exchange some pins.
BTW had the good BBQ on the beach
Written by Lucas and Saúl.
At morning we look at the sunrise then we went to the factory of farinha and show us how to make mandioca then we ate tapioca and açaí.
Later we visit one small city and we brought some candies for the little kids.
At night we had a party on the boat and we exchange some pins.
BTW had the good BBQ on the beach
Written by Lucas and Saúl.
Dia 08/ Day 08 - Comunidade Acajatuba/Pescaria de Piranhas/Focagem de Jacarés
Acordamos para o café da manhã e a gente foi em uma cidadezinha. Uma parte dos intercambistas jogaram com uma garrafa de água e a outra parte com uma bola de futebol. Depois nos voltamos para o barco para almoçar, depois ele trouxe caiaques para nós passear, só que depois começou a chover, então não tivemos muito tempo. Depois tínhamos um tempo para descansar e fomos em canoas, a gente alimentou os macacos, pegamos um bicho preguiça e tiramos fotos com ele, a gente foi tentar pescar piranhas e ninguém conseguiu pegar nenhuma, depois fomos pegar jacarés, achamos alguns. E depois voltamos ao barco, jantamos e fomos dormir.
Today we woke up, had breakfast and went to a really small town, there some of us played with a water bottle and the rest of us played soccer. We went back to the boat and had a little time to rest. Then they brought kayaks so we would go on a ride but it started raining so we didn’t stay a lot of time on the kayaks. Later we went on the boats and had several stops, the first one was to feed monkeys, the second one was to get a sloth, everyone got to take a picture with it, after that we went trying to fish piranhas but none of us got one, since we couldn’t find any piranhas we went looking for little crocodiles, we found several of those and got to take a picture with them too. After that we went back to the boat, everyone took a shower, ate dinner and went to sleep.
Today we woke up, had breakfast and went to a really small town, there some of us played with a water bottle and the rest of us played soccer. We went back to the boat and had a little time to rest. Then they brought kayaks so we would go on a ride but it started raining so we didn’t stay a lot of time on the kayaks. Later we went on the boats and had several stops, the first one was to feed monkeys, the second one was to get a sloth, everyone got to take a picture with it, after that we went trying to fish piranhas but none of us got one, since we couldn’t find any piranhas we went looking for little crocodiles, we found several of those and got to take a picture with them too. After that we went back to the boat, everyone took a shower, ate dinner and went to sleep.
Dia 07/ Day 07 - Sobrevivência na Selva
Hoje no barco a gente acordou cedo para tomar café da manhã e depois para nosso curso de sobrevivência. Nos usamos uma barco pequeno para ir no coração da Amazônia. Chegando lá nos encontramos 3 pessoas que eram nossos guias. A gente aprendeu a matar animais, cozinhar e fazer armas. Para o almoço nós comemos peixe e testamos novas frutas e algumas pessoas mesmo comeram larva. Depois a gente foi para o barco para descansar para o resto do dia.
Escrito por Ana e Madison.
Today on the boat we woke up early to eat breakfast and then go to our survival course. We got on a small boat to the heart of the Amazon. Arriving there, we met 3 of our guides. We walked through the forest and learned how to make a shelter, kill food, cook, and make weapons.
For lunch we ate fish, tried so many new fruits and some people even ate larva. We went back to the boat to rest for the rest of the day.
Written by Ana and Madison.
Dia 06/ Day 06 - Primeiro Dia no Barco
Hoje a gente acordou ás 7 para tomar café da manhã e saímos do hotel para ir a pé até o barco. A gente já sabia que ia começar nossa AVENTURA de morar no barco por 5 dias, que ia ser nossa casa até o resto da viagem. Uns emocionados e outros com um pouco de medo, mas deu tudo certo. Depois a gente foi conhecer a divisão entre as águas, muito famoso aqui na Amazônia, de volta a gente chegou a conhecer uma planta (Vitória Régia) onde a gente aprendeu muitas coisas sobre ela, pode chegar a carregar até 40 kilos, em Thailandia é muito comum comer essa planta. Também tinha macacos muito fofos. Dai a gente voltou no barco e fomos para uma ilha onde tinha indígenas, que eles mostraram suas tradições, cultura e dança e coisas típicas deles, depois nós dançamos e tiramos fotos com eles, foi muito legal. De noite dormimos em rede, o qual é uma experiência única e inigualável.
Escrito por Ana Lúcia e Allyson.
Today we woke up at 7 to eat breakfast and we left the hotel in Manaus to walk to the boat where we will be staying for the next 5 days. We were beginning the ADVENTURE of living on a boat as our home until the end of the end the Amazon trip. Many of us were excited and others of us was very scared, but all the tension went away as soon as we embarked. The first sight we visited was the famous Amazonian division of waters, a little ways from Manaus. Afterwards, we visited a lookout of the plants natives (Victoria Regia) to this specific part of Amazon River. It is also found in some regions of Thailand, but in general is quite rare to encounter. Later in the day, we visited an indigenous community on the side of the river, where we were given a presentation of various dance rituals by some of the native that live there. We l3earned about the traditions and culture of the community and had the opportunity to participate in the dance ritual at the end of the presentation. It was a special and eye-opening experience! After dinner on the boat, we all slept under the stars on the top of the boat in hammocks.
Today we woke up at 7 to eat breakfast and we left the hotel in Manaus to walk to the boat where we will be staying for the next 5 days. We were beginning the ADVENTURE of living on a boat as our home until the end of the end the Amazon trip. Many of us were excited and others of us was very scared, but all the tension went away as soon as we embarked. The first sight we visited was the famous Amazonian division of waters, a little ways from Manaus. Afterwards, we visited a lookout of the plants natives (Victoria Regia) to this specific part of Amazon River. It is also found in some regions of Thailand, but in general is quite rare to encounter. Later in the day, we visited an indigenous community on the side of the river, where we were given a presentation of various dance rituals by some of the native that live there. We l3earned about the traditions and culture of the community and had the opportunity to participate in the dance ritual at the end of the presentation. It was a special and eye-opening experience! After dinner on the boat, we all slept under the stars on the top of the boat in hammocks.
Written by Ana Lúcia and Allyson.
Dia 05/ Day 05 - Manaus
Hoje foi o quinto dia da nossa estada em Amazônia, tomamos café da manhã as 7 e saímos para o teatro Amazonas. Esse teatro tem capacidade para 640 pessoas e fez aniversário de 100 anos em 1996. Aí escutamos uma orquestra e observamos a arquitetura do edifício. Depois fomos a uma feira onde tiveomos a oportunidade de comprar coisas originais da Amazônia. Lá tinha muitas coisas diferentes e na feira estava cheia de pessoas e diferentes cores. Mais tarde almoçamos uma comida muito boa de peixe e carne local e depois fomos no INPA onde tinha todos os tipos de animais, como peixe boi, macaco, tartarugas e um bicho preguiça que estava sendo resgatado. Voltamos ao hotel onde jantamos e ás 11 fomos dormir. Foi um dia incrível!
Escrito por Holly e Gaspar.
Today was our fifth day in the amazon. We had to wake up at seven and grabbed the bus to go to the theatre. There we took tons of pictures in front of the theatre and plaza before entering the building. The building, completing its hundredth anniversary in 1996, enthralled us and gave us the curiosity to explore further; we entered the viewing gallery to see a symphony accompanied by and opera singer- both of them amazing. There were several places to sit: on the ground floor and on the balconies that allowed you to have a better view of the orquestra. In total, the entire place could seat almost 700 people! After exploring that place to its fullest, we went to our next destination, the fair. There we saw an assortment of products ranging from food all the way to bracelets. Everything was colorful and hectic, we had a marvelous time. After the fair we went and had lunch, where we ate really good fish and meat. Once we were satisfied we went to the zoo near by where we spent our time observing the animals on land and in the water. On our leaving the zoo we ran into a man holding a sloth he has saved on the way, it was extremely adorable. That night we didn’t go to bed until 11 at night and ended up even giving someone an amazon haircut.
Written by Holly and Gaspar.
Today was our fifth day in the amazon. We had to wake up at seven and grabbed the bus to go to the theatre. There we took tons of pictures in front of the theatre and plaza before entering the building. The building, completing its hundredth anniversary in 1996, enthralled us and gave us the curiosity to explore further; we entered the viewing gallery to see a symphony accompanied by and opera singer- both of them amazing. There were several places to sit: on the ground floor and on the balconies that allowed you to have a better view of the orquestra. In total, the entire place could seat almost 700 people! After exploring that place to its fullest, we went to our next destination, the fair. There we saw an assortment of products ranging from food all the way to bracelets. Everything was colorful and hectic, we had a marvelous time. After the fair we went and had lunch, where we ate really good fish and meat. Once we were satisfied we went to the zoo near by where we spent our time observing the animals on land and in the water. On our leaving the zoo we ran into a man holding a sloth he has saved on the way, it was extremely adorable. That night we didn’t go to bed until 11 at night and ended up even giving someone an amazon haircut.
Written by Holly and Gaspar.
quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2018
Dia 04/ Day 04 - Manaus
02/05/2018 - Quarta-feira
A gente levantou bem cedo e tomou um café de manhã bem bom. Às 8 horas a gente saiu de hotel para continuar a viagem para o Manaus. A gente estava no ônibus durante 2 horas mais ou menos e nossa primeira parada era no um zoológico. Lá tinha bastante animais e alguns militares que estavam lá trabalhando. Depois a gente foi para um supermercado para comprar alguma coisa para comer no barco, mais tarde na viagem. Às 1 hora era almoço na shopping que foi muito bom.
Finalmente a gente chegou no nosso hotel de cinco estrelas aqui em Manaus. O hotel é tão lindo e muito grande, ainda tem um zoológico. A gente ficou lá durante a tarde inteira até 18 horas quando nos fomos pro ônibus de novo para o restaurante para jantar. A gente comeu comida muito boa na hotel Novotel. Era um show local e tradicional durante o jantar. No começo, a gente estava assistindo o show mas começou dançar junto depois um pouquinho. Todos se divertiram!;)
Depois a gente voltou para o hotel e ficou junto antes a gente foi dormir.
Beijos de Josephine Lindberg e Jason Chen aka 陳品旭.
A gente levantou bem cedo e tomou um café de manhã bem bom. Às 8 horas a gente saiu de hotel para continuar a viagem para o Manaus. A gente estava no ônibus durante 2 horas mais ou menos e nossa primeira parada era no um zoológico. Lá tinha bastante animais e alguns militares que estavam lá trabalhando. Depois a gente foi para um supermercado para comprar alguma coisa para comer no barco, mais tarde na viagem. Às 1 hora era almoço na shopping que foi muito bom.
Finalmente a gente chegou no nosso hotel de cinco estrelas aqui em Manaus. O hotel é tão lindo e muito grande, ainda tem um zoológico. A gente ficou lá durante a tarde inteira até 18 horas quando nos fomos pro ônibus de novo para o restaurante para jantar. A gente comeu comida muito boa na hotel Novotel. Era um show local e tradicional durante o jantar. No começo, a gente estava assistindo o show mas começou dançar junto depois um pouquinho. Todos se divertiram!;)
Depois a gente voltou para o hotel e ficou junto antes a gente foi dormir.
Beijos de Josephine Lindberg e Jason Chen aka 陳品旭.
05/02/2018 - Wednesday
We woke up early in the morning and we had an awesome breakfast. At 8 we left our hotel to continue the trip to Manaus. We were going in the bus for about 2 hours and our first stop was at a zoo. There we saw bunch of animals and some military working there. After we went to a supermarket to buy some snacks for the boat trip later on. Then it was time for lunch, which we ate at a shopping mall, it was really good.
Later on we finally arrived to our five star hotel here in Manaus. This hotel is really beautiful and it so big that it even has a zoo in it. We spent the afternoon at the hotel and at 18.00 we went back to the bus to go and eat dinner. We ate really good food at a hotel called Novotel and while we were eating there was a local traditional show going on. We were all watching in the beginning, but everyone started dancing with them after a few minutes and we all had a really good time!;)
Then we went back to the hotel and spent some time together before we went to sleep.
Kisses from Josephine Lindberg and Jason Chen aka 陳品旭.
We woke up early in the morning and we had an awesome breakfast. At 8 we left our hotel to continue the trip to Manaus. We were going in the bus for about 2 hours and our first stop was at a zoo. There we saw bunch of animals and some military working there. After we went to a supermarket to buy some snacks for the boat trip later on. Then it was time for lunch, which we ate at a shopping mall, it was really good.
Later on we finally arrived to our five star hotel here in Manaus. This hotel is really beautiful and it so big that it even has a zoo in it. We spent the afternoon at the hotel and at 18.00 we went back to the bus to go and eat dinner. We ate really good food at a hotel called Novotel and while we were eating there was a local traditional show going on. We were all watching in the beginning, but everyone started dancing with them after a few minutes and we all had a really good time!;)
Then we went back to the hotel and spent some time together before we went to sleep.
Kisses from Josephine Lindberg and Jason Chen aka 陳品旭.
quarta-feira, 2 de maio de 2018
Dia 03/ Day 03 - Caverna de Maragoara, Gruta da Judéia e Santuário!
Howdy y'all! It was a litty day. We were woke and had the munchies. We got some mornin' grub with that Brazilian wake and bacon. Not quite waffle house but it will get 'er done. My bros and my homies hopped into the bus and we scadaddled on over to see some animal planet level stuff. Twas wild. We went on down through a hella long trail blazin' it. We arrived at a beautimus waterfall sitting at the entrance of a dank dark cave. It was full of skeeters and bats. As we left the cave, we were greeted with mother nature moistening our lives with much rainage. Was hecken wet my guy. Afterwards, we trudged through more mud in our squelching and totes uncool sneaks until we got to a tea stained waterfall. We splashed and splished a bit. We then sogged our way to the bus where we headed to get some grub. The rest of the day was spent jumping into rivers and posing with waterfalls. We hit the hay and caught some Z's amirite? Overall, not rekt yet.
From you your favorite Floridian and Illinoian, Devon and Vanessa.
Oi galera! Hoje foi um dia bem legal! Acordamos hoje com muita fome, a gente foi pra comer aquela café da manhã brasileiro top. Não é um café da manhã americano com pancakes e bacon, mas tudo bem kkk era bom mesmo. A gente foi no ônibus até as cachoeiras e caminhar na floresta. Era bem louco, tipo as coisas que os americanos assistem bastante no "animal planet" ou "national geographic". Nos fomos pra uma caverna bem interessanfe que tinha morcegos e muitos mosquitos. Quando saímos da caverna tava chovendo, por isso se chama "a floresta de chuva" nos Estados Unidos. Kkk a gente fico bem molhado. Depois chegamos pra a cachoeira e os sapatos de todas as intercambistas estavam completamente destruídos. Nadamos um pouco ali também. Voltamos pro ônibus e nos fomos visitar outra cachoeira depois de almoçar na cidade. Esse dia dia foi bem cansativo pra todas as intercambistas, voltamos pro hotel e dormimos. Esperamos que as outras duas sejam legais também!
Beijos de teus intercambistas preferidas dos Estados Unidos, a Devon da Flórida e a Vanessa de Illinois.
Dia 02/ Day 02 - Presidente Figueiredo: Hidrelétrica de Balbina e Centro de Pesquisa!
Hoje 30 de abril foi o primeiro dia de nossa aventura e começou com um gostoso café da manhã. Posteriormente a gente fez a primeira reunião explicando todas as atividades que tinham preparado pra gente, então depois a gente saio pra um lago de Balbina com uma opção pra almoçar e nadar no lago se quiser, com a sorte de encontrar com alguns bichos no lago. Depois a gente se dirigiu pra um centro de hospedar os bichinhos machucados e depois liberar eles, tinham animais como o peixe boi ou tartarugas de distintas espécies, etc. inclusive tinha a opção de comer frutas muito exóticas. A última atividade que a gente tinha era ir pra uma cachoeira onde ficamos olhando a beleza da natureza, infelizmente não conseguimos nadar nela pela força da água. Finalmente a gente voltou pro hotel onde tinha um tempo livre pra fazer o que quiser até 7:30 que era o jantar e 8:30 a reunião diária que a gente tem e por último as 11 da noite era tempo de dormir pro próximo dia.
Escrito por Nils e Carlos.
Today 30th of April, it was the first day of our Adventure. The day starts with a Breakfast. After that we had a meeting where the coordenador explained the program and activities they prepared for us. Than we left the hotel for spending some time at a lake where had also an option to eat for lunch and to swim, the people who went into the water had the luck to see some animals. At 14 o’clock we drove to a centre of animals where people take care of injured animals and we could also test same exotic fruits. Our last station was a waterfall where we visited the beautiful nature, unfortunately we couldn’t swim because of the strong stream of the water. Finally we went back to the Hotel where we had some free time until 7:30h then we had our dinner and after that we had our diary meeting and finally at 11:00h we went to sleep for the next day.
Written by Nils and Carlos.
segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2018
Day 01/Dia 01 - Going to Manaus
Amazon-1 2018 has started!
Exchange students from all over Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay are traveling today to Manaus. Once arriving in there, they will be welcomed by our staff and taken to the city of Presidente Figueiredo, where we will start our tours! Keep tuned!
Amazônia-1 2018 começou!
Intercambistas de todo o Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai estão viajando hoje para Manaus. Ao chegarem lá, serão recepcionados por nossa equipe e enviados para a cidade de Presidente Figueiredo, onde começaremos nossos passeios! Fiquem ligados!
sexta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2018
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